* __ __ _
* | \/ | | |
* | \ / | _ _ ___ ___ | | ___
* | |\/| || | | |/ __| / __|| | / - \
* | | | || |_| |\__ \( (__ | |( __/
* |_| |_| \__,_||___/ \___||_| \___|
* Mock-up of the System class from VCF Automation.
* This is a general set of functions and it is always available in the
* JavaScript scripting environment.
* @author Stefan Schnell <mail@stefan-schnell.de>
* @license MIT
* @version 0.3.3
* Hint: This mock-up works only with the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript
* engine.
* Checked with Rhino engines version 1.7R4, 1.7.14, 1.7.15 and 1.8.0
* URL class,
* mock-up of VCF Automation URL class, only attributes.
function URL() {
// this.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
this.contentType = "text/plain";
this.datas = null;
this.host = "localhost";
this.port = 443;
this.requestType = "GET";
this.result = "This is a mock-up of URL";
this.url = "https://localhost/";
* Workflow class,
* mock-up of VCF Automation Workflow class, only attributes.
function Workflow() {
this.attributes = {};
this.description = "This is a mock-up";
this.executions = {};
this.firstItem = {};
this.id = "";
this.inParameters = {};
this.items = {};
this.logEvents = {};
this.name = "Mock-up of Workflow class";
this.numberOfItems = 0;
this.outParameters = {};
this.parameterInfos = {};
this.version = "";
this.versionHistoryItems = {};
this.workflowCategory = {};
* WorkflowItemInfo class,
* mock-up of VCF Automation WorkflowItemInfo class.
function WorkflowItemInfo(name, displayName) {
this._displayName = displayName;
this._name = name;
this.getDisplayName = function() {
return this._displayName;
this.getName = function() {
return this._name;
// System class
var _context = new org.mozilla.javascript.Context();
var _logMarker = null;
var _SystemNS = function() {
_SystemNS.prototype = {
* Private method to log text for debug, error, log and warn methods.
* @function _println
* @param {string} prefix - Log level.
* @param {string} text - Text to log.
_println : function(prefix, text) {
var outText = null;
if (typeof text === "undefined" || text === null) {
outText = "";
} else {
var rhinoVersion = this.getRhinoVersion();
if (this.compareVersionNumber(rhinoVersion, "1.7.5") === 1) {
// trimRight added to release 1.7.6 of Rhino
outText = String(text).trimRight();
} else {
outText = String(text).replace(/[\s]+$/g, "");
if (_logMarker) {
prefix + " {{" + _logMarker + "}} " + outText
} else {
prefix + " " + outText
* Displays a dialog with an optional message and waits until the
* user dismisses the dialog.
* @function alert
* @param {string} message - A string to display in the alert dialog
* @example
* System.alert("Hello World");
alert : function(message) {
if (
typeof message === "undefined" ||
message === null ||
String(message).trim() === ""
) {
} else {
* Appends a path fragment to another.
* @function appendToPath
* @param {string} root - Path to add to.
* @param {string} toAdd - Part to add.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers on Windows \sys\vco
* var result = System.appendToPath("/sys/", "vco");
* System.log(result);
appendToPath : function(root, toAdd) {
if (
typeof root === "undefined" ||
root === null ||
String(root).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("root argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof toAdd === "undefined" ||
toAdd === null ||
String(toAdd).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("toAdd argument can not be undefined or null");
return String(
java.nio.file.Paths.get(root.toString(), toAdd.toString())
* Decodes a base64 encoded string.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function base64ToString
* @param {string} value - Text to decode from base64.
* @returns {string}
base64ToString : function(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
throw new Error("value argument can not be undefined or null");
return String(java.lang.String(
* Clones an object.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @param {object} object - Object to clone.
* @returns {object}
clone : function(object) {
if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
if (typeof object === "object") {
function func() {}
func.prototype = object;
return new func();
* Compares two version numbers.<br>
* Hint: Arguments should be string and if a one-digit number is
* compared with a multi-digit number, leading zeros must be passed.
* @function compareVersionNumber
* @param {string} version1 - First version.
* @param {string} version2 - Second version.
* @returns {number}
* Returns 0 if they are equivalent<br>
* Returns 1 version1 is greater than version2<br>
* Returns -1 version2 a is greater than version1
* @example
* // Delivers -1
* var result = System.compareVersionNumber("1.0.0", "2.0.0");
* System.log(result);
compareVersionNumber : function(version1, version2) {
if (
typeof version1 === "undefined" ||
version1 === null ||
String(version1).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("version1 argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof version2 === "undefined" ||
version2 === null ||
String(version2).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("version2 argument can not be undefined or null");
return version1.toString().localeCompare(version2.toString(),
undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: "base" });
* Creates an empty file in the temporary directory, using the given
* suffix to generate its name.
* @function createTempFile
* @param {string} suffix - The suffix string to be used in generating
* the file's name.
* @returns {object.<java.io.File>}
* @example
* // Delivers on Windows
* // C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Temp\vco-[number].tmp
* var result = System.createTempFile(".tmp");
* System.log(result);
createTempFile : function(suffix) {
if (
typeof suffix === "undefined" ||
String(suffix).trim() === ""
) {
suffix = null;
return java.io.File.createTempFile("vco-", suffix);
* Information for currently executed workflow item.
* @function currentWorkflowItem
* @returns {object.<WorkflowItemInfo>}
* @example
* var result = System.currentWorkflowItem();
currentWorkflowItem : function() {
return new WorkflowItemInfo("System Class Mock-up",
"Mock-up of System Class");
* Returns URL to generate HTTP custom event.
* @function customEventUrl
* @param {string} eventName - Custom event name.
* @param {boolean} secure, default false - https if true, http otherwise.
* @returns {object.<URL>}
* @example
* var result = System.customEventUrl("click", false);
customEventUrl : function(eventName, secure) {
if (
typeof eventName === "undefined" ||
eventName === null ||
String(eventName).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("eventName argument can not be undefined or null");
var url = new URL(); // Mock-up URL object
url.port = 8280;
url.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
return url;
* Returns URL to generate HTTP custom event.
* @function customEventUrlforServer
* @param {string} eventName - Custom event name.
* @param {string} host - Host to use in URL.
* @param {string} port - Port to use in URL.
* @param {boolean} secure - Use https if true, http otherwise.
* @returns {object.<URL>}
* @example
* var result =
* System.customEventUrlforServer("click", "localhost", "8080", false);
customEventUrlforServer : function(eventName, host, port, secure) {
if (
typeof eventName === "undefined" ||
eventName === null ||
String(eventName).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("eventName argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof host === "undefined" ||
host === null ||
String(host).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("host argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof port === "undefined" ||
port === null ||
String(port).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("port argument can not be undefined or null");
var url = new URL(); // Mock-up URL object
url.host = host.toString();
url.port = port.toString();
url.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
return url;
* Logs a text in the system with DEBUG.
* @function debug
* @param {string} text - Text to log.
* @example
* System.debug("This is a test");
debug : function(text) {
this._println("\u001B[32mDEBUG\u001B[0m", text);
* Converts decimal number to hexadecimal string.
* @function decimalToHex
* @param {number} value - Decimal value.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers 1267
* var result = System.decimalToHex(4711);
* System.log(result);
decimalToHex : function(value) {
if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null) {
var newValue = parseFloat(value.toString());
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
return "";
return newValue.toString(16).toUpperCase();
} else {
return "";
* Logs a text in the system with ERROR.
* @function error
* @param {string} text - Text to log.
* @example
* System.error("This is a test");
error : function(text) {
this._println("\u001B[31mERROR\u001B[0m", text);
* Evaluates a JavaScript source string.<br>
* Hint: This method is not documented in the standard.
* @function exec
* @param {string} command
* @returns {object.<any>}
* @example
* // Delivers Hello World as object of type java.lang.String
* var result =
* System.exec("function test() { return \"Hello World\"; } test();");
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers "Hello World" as string
* var result = JSON.stringify(
* System.exec("function test() { return \"Hello World\"; } test();")
* );
* System.log(result);
exec : function(command) {
if (
typeof command === "undefined" ||
command === null ||
String(command).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("command argument can not be undefined or null");
var result = null;
try {
var cx = _context.enter();
var scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
result = cx.evaluateString(scope, command.toString(),
"SystemMockupScript", 1, null);
} catch (exception) {
result = exception;
} finally {
return result;
* Extracts the directory part from the file path.
* @function extractDirectory
* @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers C:/temp/
* var result = System.extractDirectory("C:\\temp\\myfile.txt");
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers /home/temp/
* var result = System.extractDirectory("/home/temp/myfile.txt");
* System.log(result);
extractDirectory : function(fullPath) {
if (
typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
fullPath === null ||
String(fullPath).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
var separatorFullPath = fullPath.toString().replace(/\\/g, "/");
return separatorFullPath.substring(
separatorFullPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1
* Extracts the file name part from the file path.
* @function extractFileName
* @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers myfile.txt
* var result = System.extractFileName("C:/temp/myfile.txt");
* System.log(result);
extractFileName : function(fullPath) {
if (
typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
fullPath === null ||
String(fullPath).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
var separatorFullPath = fullPath.toString().replace(/\\/g, "/");
return separatorFullPath.substring(
separatorFullPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1
* Extracts the extension part from the file path.
* @function extractFileNameExtension
* @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers txt
* var result = System.extractFileNameExtension("C:/temp/myfile.txt");
* System.log(result);
extractFileNameExtension : function(fullPath) {
if (
typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
fullPath === null ||
String(fullPath).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
var fileName = this.extractFileName(fullPath);
if (fileName.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
} else {
return "";
* Extracts the file name part without extension from the file path.
* @function extractFileNameWithoutExtension
* @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers C:/temp/myfile
* var result = System.extractFileNameWithoutExtension("C:/temp/myfile.txt");
* System.log(result);
extractFileNameWithoutExtension : function(fullPath) {
if (
typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
fullPath === null ||
String(fullPath).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
var fileName = this.extractFileName(fullPath.toString());
if (fileName.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
return this.extractDirectory(fullPath) + fileName;
* Filters non authorized objects for the current user.<br>
* Returns null if the user is not authorized and the input object
* if the authorization is correct.<br>
* Hint: The argument authorized is an additional flag, to mock the
* desired result.
* @function filterAuthorized
* @param {object} source - Object to check.
* @param {boolean} authorized - Flag to mock result.
* @returns {object}
* @example
* var obj = {"id": "Mock-up object"};
* var result = System.filterAuthorized(obj);
* System.log(JSON.stringify(result));
* @example
* var obj = {"id": "Mock-up object"};
* var result = System.filterAuthorized(obj, false);
* if (result === null) {
* System.log("null");
* }
filterAuthorized : function(source, authorized) {
if (typeof source === "undefined" || source === null) {
throw new Error("source argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof authorized === "undefined" ||
authorized === null ||
authorized === true
) {
return source;
} else {
return null;
* Formats a number in a readable size format.
* @function formatBinaryValue
* @param {number} value - Number to format.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers 2K
* var result = System.formatBinaryValue(2048);
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers 4.6005859375K
* var result = System.formatBinaryValue(4711);
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers 1M
* var result = System.formatBinaryValue(1048576);
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers 1G
* var result = System.formatBinaryValue(1073741824);
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers 1T
* var result = System.formatBinaryValue(1099511627776);
* System.log(result);
formatBinaryValue : function(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
return null;
var newValue = parseFloat(value.toString());
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
return null;
if (newValue < 1024) {
return newValue.toString();
} else if (newValue < 1048576) {
return (newValue / 1024 * 100) / 100 + "K";
} else if (newValue < 1073741824) {
return (newValue / 1048576 * 100) / 100 + "M";
} else if (newValue < 1099511627776) {
return (newValue / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 + "G";
} else {
return (newValue / 1099511627776 * 100) / 100 + "T";
* Formats a date in the given format.
* @function formatDate
* @param {Date} date - Date to format.
* @param {string} pattern - Format pattern.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers 2023.04.04 n. Chr. at 05:37:19 MESZ
* var result =
* System.formatDate(new Date(), "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z");
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers 04.07.2023, 05:33:59
* var result = System.formatDate(new Date());
* System.log(result);
formatDate : function(date, pattern) {
if (
!(date instanceof Date) ||
isNaN(date) ||
typeof date === "undefined" ||
date === null
) {
throw new Error(
"date argument must be Date and can not be undefined or null"
try {
var format = java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
if (pattern != null) {
format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
return String(format.format(date));
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error("Unable to format date");
* Formats the milliseconds in a readable format.
* @function formatDuration
* @param {number} milliseconds - Millisecond number to format.
* @param {boolean} showMilli - Show millisecond if true, default false.
* @param {boolean} showZero - Show leading zero values if true,
* default false.
* @returns {string}
* @see getCurrentTime
* @example
* // Delivers 19452d 02h 44m 11.986s
* var result = System.formatDuration(System.getCurrentTime(), true, true)
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers Wed Apr 05 2023 04:44:11 GMT+0200 (MESZ)
* var result = new Date();
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers 19452d 2h 44m 11s
* var result = System.formatDuration(System.getCurrentTime(), false, false);
* System.log(result);
formatDuration : function(milliseconds, showMilli, showZero) {
var showMilliseconds = false;
var showLeadingZeros = false;
var retValue = "";
if (
typeof milliseconds === "undefined" ||
milliseconds === null ||
typeof milliseconds !== "number"
) {
throw new Error(
"milliseconds argument must be number and can not be undefined or null"
if (typeof showMilli === "boolean") {
showMilliseconds = showMilli;
if (typeof showZero === "boolean") {
showLeadingZeros = showZero;
if (milliseconds < 0) {
return "N/A";
// Milliseconds
if (showMilliseconds) {
var milli = String(parseInt(milliseconds % 1000));
while (milli.length < 3) {
milli = "0" + milli;
retValue = "." + milli + "s";
} else {
retValue = "s";
// Seconds
var time = milliseconds / 1000;
var seconds = String(parseInt(time % 60));
if (showZero && seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
retValue = seconds + retValue;
// Subtract seconds from time
time -= parseInt(time % 60);
time /= 60;
// Minutes
var minutes = String(parseInt(time % 60));
if (showZero && minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
retValue = minutes + "m " + retValue;
// Subtract minutes from time
time -= parseInt(time % 60);
time /= 60;
// Hours
var hours = String(parseInt(time % 24));
if (showZero && hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + hours;
retValue = hours + "h " + retValue;
// Subtract hours from time
time -= parseInt(time % 24);
time /= 24;
// Days
var days = String(parseInt(time));
retValue = days + "d " + retValue;
return retValue;
* Formats a number in the given format.<br>
* Creates a DecimalFormat using the given pattern and the symbols
* for the default locale.
* @function formatNumber
* @param {number} aNumber - Number to format.
* @param {string} pattern - Format pattern.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* var myNumber = -1234.56;
* // Delivers -01234,560
* var result = System.formatNumber(myNumber, "00000.000")
* System.log(result);
* // Delivers -1234,6
* var result = System.formatNumber(myNumber, "#.#");
* System.log(result);
* // Delivers -1.234,6
* var result = System.formatNumber(myNumber, "#,###.#");
* System.log(result);
formatNumber : function(aNumber, pattern) {
if (typeof aNumber === "undefined" || aNumber === null) {
throw new Error(
"aNumber argument must be Number and can not be undefined or null"
var format = new java.text.DecimalFormat();
if (typeof pattern !== "undefined" || pattern !== null) {
try {
format = new java.text.DecimalFormat(pattern);
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error("Unable to create a formatter from pattern");
try {
return String(format.format(parseFloat(aNumber)));
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error("Unable to format aNumber with the pattern");
* Returns all action modules.
* @function getAllModules
* @returns {object[]}
* @example
* var result = System.getAllModules();
getAllModules : function() {
var Module = [
name: "com.vmware.basic",
description: "",
id: "8a7480b5796abea101796ac0e5630169",
type: "ScriptModuleCategory"
name: "com.mock-up",
description: "",
id: "1a2b3c4d5e6f7a8b9c0d1e2f3a4b5c6d",
type: "ScriptModuleCategory"
return Module;
* Returns the class name.<br>
* Hint: This method is a standard.
* @function getClassName
* @returns {string}
* @example
* var result = System.getClassName();
* System.log(result);
getClassName : function() {
return "System";
* Gets the context for the current workflow run.<br>
* Hint: This method delivers not the ExecutionContext like the
* original, it delivers the object org.mozilla.javascript.Context.
* @function getContext
* @returns {object}
* @example
* var cx = System.getContext();
getContext : function() {
return _context;
* Gets the current time.<br>
* Delivers the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight at the
* beginning of January 1, 1970, UTC.
* @function getCurrentTime
* @returns {number}
* @example
* // Delivers e.g. 1688273422309
* var result = System.getCurrentTime();
* System.log(result);
getCurrentTime : function() {
return parseInt(Date.now());
* Creates a new date from the input.<br>
* Hint: The reference date is not considered.
* @function getDate
* @param {string} input - Input date.
* @param {Date} refDate - Reference date, now if not set.
* @returns {object}
* @example
* // Delivers Tue Jan 01 2019 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (MEZ)
* var result = System.getDate("2019-01-01");
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers Tue Jun 16 1964 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (MESZ)
* var result = System.getDate("Jun 16, 1964");
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers Sat Dec 24 2022 12:12:00 GMT+0100 (MEZ)
* var result = System.getDate("2022/12/24 12:12:00");
* System.log(result);
getDate : function(input, refDate) {
if (
typeof input === "undefined" ||
input === null ||
String(input).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("input argument can not be undefined or null");
var referenceDate = Date.now();
if (
typeof refDate === "object" &&
refDate !== null &&
Object.prototype.toString.call(refDate) === "[object Date]"
) {
referenceDate = refDate;
var retDate = new Date(Date.parse(input.toString()));
return retDate;
* Parses the given date as string to creates a date.<br>
* Hint: The date to be parsed must have the same format as the
* format pattern.
* @function getDateFromFormat
* @param {string} date - String to parse.
* @param {string} pattern - Format pattern, default yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
* @returns {object.<java.util.Date>}
* @example
* // Delivers Tue Jun 16 15:54:00 CET 1964
* var result = System.getDateFromFormat("1964-6-16 15:54:00");
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 1970
* var result = System.getDateFromFormat("1970-1-1", "yyyy-MM-dd");
* System.log(result);
getDateFromFormat : function(date, pattern) {
if (
typeof date === "undefined" ||
date === null ||
String(date).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("date argument can not be undefined or null");
var formatPattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
if (typeof pattern !== "undefined" && pattern !== null) {
formatPattern = pattern.toString();
var format;
try {
format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(formatPattern);
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error("Unable to create a formatter from pattern");
try {
return format.parse(date.toString());
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error("Unable to parse date with pattern");
* Returns an action module with the given name.
* @function getModule
* @param {object} object - The module name.
* @returns {object}
* @example
* var com = {
* vmware : {
* constants : {
* getDefaultCompanyName : function() { return "VMware Inc."; }
* }
* }
* }
* // Delivers VMware Inc.
* var result =
* System.getModule(com.vmware.constants).getDefaultCompanyName();
* System.log(result);
getModule : function(object) {
if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
// Creates a new JavaScript object by executing the named constructor
// var context = new org.mozilla.javascript.Context();
// var cx = context.enter();
// var scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
// var result = cx.newObject(scope, "Object", [ object ]);
// cx.exit();
// return result;
if (typeof object === "object") {
return Object.create(object);
* Returns the class name of any scripting object.<br>
* Hint: This method delivers not the exact result like the original.
* @function getObjectClassName
* @param {object} object - Object to get the class name.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Return Date
* var result = System.getObjectClassName(new Date());
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Return String
* var result = System.getObjectClassName("Test");
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Return Boolean
* var result = System.getObjectClassName(
* new java.lang.Boolean(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE)
* );
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Return Boolean
* var result = System.getObjectClassName(true);
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Return Number
* var result = System.getObjectClassName(42);
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Return Integer
* var result = System.getObjectClassName(new java.lang.Integer(42));
* System.log(result);
getObjectClassName : function(object) {
if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
try {
return object.constructor.name;
} catch (exception) {
return object.getClass().getSimpleName();
* Returns the ID for the given object.<br>
* Hint: Some objects have no IDs.
* Hint: The argument getId is an additional flag, to mock a result.
* @function getObjectId
* @param {object} object - Object to get the id.
* @param {boolean} getId - Flag to mock result.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers Mock-up ObjectId
* var result = System.getObjectId({}, true);
* System.log(result);
getObjectId : function(object, getId) {
if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
var idValue = "";
if (
typeof getId !== "undefined" &&
getId !== null &&
getId === true
) {
idValue = "Mock-up ObjectId";
return idValue;
* Returns the plugin name of any scripting object.<br>
* Hint: The argument getPluginName is an additional flag, to mock a result.
* @function getObjectPluginName
* @param {object} object - Object to get the plugin name.
* @param {boolean} getPluginName - Flag to mock result.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers Server
* var result = System.getObjectPluginName({}, true);
* System.log(result);
getObjectPluginName : function(object, getPluginName) {
if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
var pluginNameValue = "";
if (
typeof getPluginName !== "undefined" &&
getPluginName !== null &&
getPluginName === true
) {
pluginNameValue = "Server";
return pluginNameValue;
* Returns the type for the given object.<br>
* Hint: The argument getType is an additional flag, to mock a result.
* @function getObjectType
* @param {object} object - Object to get the type.
* @param {boolean} getType - Flag to mock result.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers Mock-up Type
* var result = System.getObjectType({}, true);
* System.log(result);
getObjectType : function(object, getType) {
if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
var typeValue = "";
if (
typeof getType !== "undefined" &&
getType !== null &&
getType === true
) {
typeValue = "Mock-up Type";
return typeValue;
* Returns name of the operating system.
* @function getOsName
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers on Windows OS Windows 10
* var result = System.getOsName();
* System.log(result);
getOsName : function() {
return String(java.lang.System.getProperty("os.name"));
* Returns the implementation version of the Rhino engine.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function getRhinoVersion
* @param {boolean} fullText - Flag to get full text.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers e.g. 1.7.14
* var result = System.getRhinoVersion();
* System.log(result);
* @example
* // Delivers e.g. Rhino 1.7 release 4 2012 06 18
* var result = System.getRhinoVersion(true);
* System.log(result);
getRhinoVersion : function(fullText) {
var full = false;
if (
typeof fullText !== "undefined" &&
fullText !== null &&
typeof fullText === "boolean"
) {
full = fullText;
var currentContext = _context.getCurrentContext();
var rhinoVersion = currentContext.getImplementationVersion();
if (full === false) {
rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.replace("Rhino ", "");
rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.replace(" release ", ".");
rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.split(" ")[0];
var rhinoRelease = String(rhinoVersion).split(".")[2];
if (Number(rhinoRelease) < 10) {
rhinoRelease = "0" + rhinoRelease;
rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.substring(
0, rhinoVersion.lastIndexOf(".") + 1
) + rhinoRelease;
return String(rhinoVersion);
* Returns the default temporary-file directory of Java, which is
* specified by the system property java.io.tmpdir.<br>
* Hint: This method is not documented in the standard.
* @function getTempDir
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers on Windows C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Temp\
* var result = System.getTempDir();
* System.log(result);
getTempDir : function() {
return String(java.lang.System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
* Returns the default temporary directory.
* @function getTempDirectory
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers on Windows C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Temp\
* var result = System.getTempDirectory();
* System.log(result);
getTempDirectory : function() {
var retValue = java.lang.System.getenv("TEMP");
if (retValue === null) {
retValue = java.lang.System.getenv("TMP");
if (retValue === null) {
retValue = java.lang.System.getProperty("temp.dir");
if (retValue === null) {
retValue = this.getTempDir();
if (retValue === null) {
return null;
return String(retValue.replace("\\", "/"));
* Returns the current timestamp.
* @function getTimestamp
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers 20250108_050200
* var result = System.getTimestamp();
* System.log(result);
getTimestamp : function() {
const date = new Date();
var year = date.getFullYear().toString();
var month;
if ((date.getMonth() + 1) < 10) {
month = "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1).toString();
} else {
month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString();
var day;
if ((date.getDate()) < 10) {
day = "0" + date.getDate().toString();
} else {
day = date.getDate().toString();
var hours;
if ((date.getHours()) < 10) {
hours = "0" + date.getHours().toString();
} else {
hours = date.getHours().toString();
var minutes;
if ((date.getMinutes()) < 10) {
minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes().toString();
} else {
minutes = date.getMinutes().toString();
var seconds;
if ((date.getSeconds()) < 10) {
seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds().toString();
} else {
seconds = date.getSeconds().toString();
return year + month + day + "_" + hours + minutes + seconds;
* Converts hexadecimal string to decimal number.
* @function hexToDecimal
* @param {string} value - Hexadecimal value.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* // Delivers 65535
* var result = System.hexToDecimal("FFFF");
* System.log(result);
hexToDecimal : function(value) {
if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null) {
return parseInt(value.toString(), 16);
} else {
return null;
* Displays a question-message dialog requesting input from the user.
* @function
* @param {string} message - Text to display.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Displays the entered name
* System.log(System.input("Insert your name"));
input : function(message) {
if (typeof message !== "undefined" && message !== null) {
return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(message);
} else {
return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input");
* Tests whether host is reachable.
* @function isHostReachable
* @param {string} hostOrIp - Host or IP address.
* @param {object} timeout - Timeout in milliseconds.
* @returns {boolean}
* @example
* // Delivers true
* var reached = System.isHostReachable("");
* System.log(reached);
* @example
* // Delivers true
* var reached = System.isHostReachable("localhost");
* System.log(reached);
isHostReachable : function(hostOrIp, timeout) {
if (
typeof hostOrIp === "undefined" ||
hostOrIp === null ||
String(hostOrIp).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("hostOrIp argument can not be undefined or null");
var value = 1000;
if (typeof timeout !== "undefined" && timeout !== null) {
value = parseFloat(timeout.toString());
if (isNaN(value)) {
value = 1000;
try {
return Boolean(java.net.InetAddress.getByName(
} catch (exception) {
return false;
* Checks if operating system is Linux.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function isLinux
* @returns {boolean}
isLinux : function() {
if (String(
.toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") !== -1
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks if operating system is Mac OS.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function isMac
* @returns {boolean}
isMac : function() {
if (String(
.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") !== -1
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns true if object is not found.<br>
* Hint: The argument shallNotBeFound is an additional flag, to mock
* a result.
* @function isNotFound
* @param {object} object - Object to check.
* @param {boolean} shallNotBeFound - Flag to mock result.
* @returns {boolean}
isNotFound : function(object, shallNotBeFound) {
if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
var notFoundValue = false;
if (
typeof shallNotBeFound !== "undefined" &&
shallNotBeFound !== null &&
shallNotBeFound === true
) {
notFoundValue = true;
return notFoundValue;
* Checks if operating system is Windows.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function isWindows
* @returns {boolean}
isWindows : function() {
if (String(
.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") !== -1
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Logs a text in the system with INFO.
* @function log
* @param {string} text - Text to log.
* @example
* System.log("This is a test");
log : function(text) {
this._println("\u001B[36mINFO\u001B[0m", text);
* Generates an unique ID.
* @function nextUUID
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Delivers 943c8517-f4e3-4a7f-9d7c-5d85684d05b3
* var result = System.nextUUID();
* System.log(result);
nextUUID : function() {
return String(java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString());
* @function pojoToString
* @param {object} any
* @returns {string}
pojoToString : function(any) {
if (typeof any === "undefined" || any === null) {
throw new Error("any argument can not be undefined or null");
return "";
* Returns the IP address of the host name.
* @function resolveHostName
* @param {string} hostName - Host name.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* var ipAddress = System.resolveHostName("rhino.acme.com");
resolveHostName : function(hostName) {
if (
typeof hostName === "undefined" ||
hostName === null ||
String(hostName).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("hostName argument can not be undefined or null");
try {
return String(java.net.InetAddress.getByName(
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(
"Cannot resolve host for name: " + hostName.toString()
* Returns the host name of the IP address.<br>
* Hint: getByName checks the validity of the address format and
* getHostName delivers, if this InetAddress was created with a host
* name, the host name.
* @function resolveIpAddress
* @param {string} ipAddress - The Ip address to lookup the hostname for.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* var hostName = System.resolveIpAddress("");
resolveIpAddress : function(ipAddress) {
if (
typeof ipAddress === "undefined" ||
ipAddress === null ||
String(ipAddress).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("ipAddress argument can not be undefined or null");
try {
return String(java.net.InetAddress.getByName(
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(
"Cannot resolve host for address: " + ipAddress.toString()
* Sends a custom event.
* @function sendCustomEvent
* @param {string} eventKey - Custom event name.
sendCustomEvent : function(eventKey) {
if (
typeof eventKey === "undefined" ||
eventKey === null ||
String(eventKey).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("eventKey argument can not be undefined or null");
// Nothing happens here.
* Sets the context.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function setContext
* @param {object} context
setContext : function(context) {
if (typeof context === "undefined" || context === null) {
throw new Error("context argument can not be undefined or null");
_context = context;
* Sets additional log information.
* @function setLogMarker
* @param {string} logMarker - Log info that will appear in every log.
setLogMarker : function(logMarker) {
if (logMarker) {
_logMarker = logMarker;
* Sleeps for a given time.
* @function sleep
* @param {object} time - Time to sleep in miliseconds.
* @returns {boolean}
* @example
* System.sleep(1250);
sleep : function(time) {
var value = 500;
if (typeof time !== "undefined" && time !== null) {
var val = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(time.toString());
value = new java.lang.Long(val);
if (value < 500) {
value = 500;
var result = true;
try {
} catch (exception) {
result = false;
return result;
* Logs a text in the standard error stream.
* @function stderr
* @param {string} text - Test to log.
* @example
* System.stderr("This is a test");
stderr : function(text) {
var outText = null;
if (typeof text === "undefined" || text === null) {
outText = "";
} else {
var rhinoVersion = this.getRhinoVersion();
if (this.compareVersionNumber(rhinoVersion, "1.7.5") === 1) {
// trimRight added to release 1.7.6 of Rhino
outText = text.toString().trimRight();
} else {
outText = text.toString().replace(/[\s]+$/g, "");
* Logs a text in the standard output stream. Use this for debug only.
* @function stdout
* @param {string} text - Text to log.
* @example
* System.stdout("This is a test");
stdout : function(text) {
var outText = null;
if (typeof text === "undefined" || text === null) {
outText = "";
} else {
var rhinoVersion = this.getRhinoVersion();
if (this.compareVersionNumber(rhinoVersion, "1.7.5") === 1) {
// trimRight added to release 1.7.6 of Rhino
outText = text.toString().trimRight();
} else {
outText = text.toString().replace(/[\s]+$/g, "");
* Encodes string to base64.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function stringToBase64
* @param {string} value - Text to encode in base64.
* @returns {string}
stringToBase64 : function(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
throw new Error("value argument can not be undefined or null");
return String(
* @function stringToPojo
* @param {string} value
* @returns {object}
stringToPojo : function(value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
throw new Error("value argument can not be undefined or null");
return {};
* Calls the method getCurrentTime.
* @function time
* @returns {number}
time : function() {
return this.getCurrentTime();
* Waits for keypress enter.<br>
* Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
* @function waitEnter
waitEnter : function() {
this.log("Press Enter to continue");
try {
} catch (exception) {
* Waits for an external custom event.
* @function waitCustomEventUntil
* @param {string} id
* @param {string} name - Custom event key.
* @param {object} endDate - Expiration date.
* @returns {object}
waitCustomEventUntil : function(id, name, endDate) {
if (
typeof id === "undefined" ||
id === null ||
String(id).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("id argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof name === "undefined" ||
name === null ||
String(name).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("name argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof endDate === "undefined" ||
endDate === null ||
!(endDate instanceof Date) ||
) {
throw new Error("endDate argument can not be undefined or null");
var EventCustom = {};
return EventCustom;
* @function waitTriggerEvent
* @param {string} id
* @param {string} name
* @param {object} checkPeriod - Checking delay in milliseconds.
* @returns {object}
waitTriggerEvent : function(id, name, checkPeriod) {
if (
typeof id === "undefined" ||
id === null ||
String(id).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("id argument can not be undefined or null");
if (
typeof name === "undefined" ||
name === null ||
String(name).trim() === ""
) {
throw new Error("name argument can not be undefined or null");
var wait = 500;
if (
typeof checkPeriod !== "undefined" ||
checkPeriod !== null
) {
wait = parseFloat(checkPeriod.toString());
if (wait < 500 || isNaN(wait)) {
wait = 500;
var EventTrigger = {};
return EventTrigger;
* Pauses the execution and wait for date to continue.
* @function waitUntil
* @param {object} waitDate - Date to wait.
* @param {object} checkPeriod - Checking delay in milliseconds.
* @returns {boolean}
* @example
* var newDate = new Date();
* newDate.setSeconds(newDate.getSeconds() + 5);
* System.waitUntil(newDate);
waitUntil : function(waitDate, checkPeriod) {
if (
!(waitDate instanceof Date) ||
isNaN(waitDate) ||
typeof waitDate === "undefined" ||
waitDate === null
) {
throw new Error(
"waitDate argument must be Date and can not be undefined or null"
var wait = 500;
if (typeof checkPeriod !== "undefined" && checkPeriod !== null) {
wait = parseFloat(checkPeriod.toString());
if (wait < 500 || isNaN(wait)) {
wait = 500;
var result = true;
while (new Date() <= waitDate) {
try {
} catch (exception) {
result = false;
return result;
* Logs a text in the system with WARNING.
* @function warn
* @param {string} text - Text to log.
* @example
* System.warn("This is a test");
warn : function(text) {
this._println("\u001B[33mWARNING\u001B[0m", text);
java.lang.System.setProperty("LOCAL_SIMULATION", "true");
var System = new _SystemNS();