VCF Automation Blog

from Stefan Schnell

This Python source code shows how to call any VCF Automation action from Python runtime environment. This approach is of interest, because it allows us to ensure the seamless use of existing developments of the other execution environments, like JavaScript, PowerShell or Node.js.

Call Action from Python

The code contains a few functions. One is callAction, which bundles all necessary function calls. The sequence is then getActionId, executeAction and getActionLog. Each of them makes an API call to the orchestrator using the request function. The following sequence diagram shows this process.

sequence diagram of an action call from python

Now the source code, in which examples are inserted as comments in the handler function.

Important hint: The setting of the parameters is described in the REST API Calling Conventions.

@module de.stschnell

@author Stefan Schnell <>
@license MIT
@version 0.2.0

@runtime python:3.10

@memoryLimit 128000000

@inputType in_userName {string}
@inputType in_password {string}

@outputType Properties

import base64
import json
import ssl
import time
import urllib.request

def request(
    user = None,
    password = None,
    bearerToken = None,
    method = "GET",
    header = [],
    body = {},
    contentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8",
    accept = "application/json"
    """ Executes a REST request

    @param {string} url - URL to execute the request
    @param {string} user
    @param {string} password
    @param {string} bearerToken
    @param {string} method - Method of request, e.g. GET, POST, etc
    @param {list.<list>} header - Additional header entries
    @param {dictionary} body - Body of request
    @param {string} contentType - MIME type of the body for the request
    @param {string} accept - MIME type of content expect/prefer as response
    @returns {dictionary or bytes}

    returnValue = {}


        request = urllib.request.Request(
            url = url,
            method = method,
            data = bytes(json.dumps(body).encode("utf-8"))

        if user and password:
            authorization = base64.b64encode(
                bytes(user + ":" + password, "UTF-8")
                "Authorization", "Basic " + authorization

        if bearerToken:
                "Authorization", "Bearer " + bearerToken

            "Content-Type", contentType

            "Accept", accept

        if len(header) > 0:
            for key, value in header:
                    key, value

        response = urllib.request.urlopen(
            context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

        if response.getcode() == 200 or response.getcode() == 202:
            if "json" in accept:
                returnValue = json.loads(
                returnValue =

    except Exception as err:
        raise Exception(f"An error occurred at request - {err}") \
          from err

    return returnValue

def getActionId(vcoUrl, bearerToken, actionModule, actionName):
    """ Gets the ID of an action.

    @param {string} vcoUrl - URL of Aria orchestrator
    @param {string} bearerToken
    @param {string} actionModule - Module of the action
    @param {string} actionName - Name of the action
    @returns {string}

    returnValue = ""


        actions = request(
            url = vcoUrl + "/api/actions",
            bearerToken = bearerToken

        found = False
        for action in actions["link"]:
            for attribute in action["attributes"]:
                if attribute["name"] == "fqn" and \
                attribute["value"] == actionModule + "/" + actionName:
                    for attribute in action["attributes"]:
                        if attribute["name"] == "id":
                            returnValue = attribute["value"]
                            found = True
            if found:

    except Exception as err:
        raise ValueError(f"An error occurred at get Action ID - {err}") \
            from err

    return returnValue

def executeAction(vcoUrl, bearerToken, actionId, parameters = {}):
    """ Executes an action.

    @param {string} vcoUrl - URL of Aria orchestrator
    @param {string} bearerToken
    @param {string} actionId - ID of the action
    @param {dictionary} parameters - Parameters of the action
    @returns {dictionary}

    returnValue = {}


        returnValue = request(
            url = vcoUrl + "/api/actions/" + actionId + "/executions",
            bearerToken = bearerToken,
            method = "POST",
            body = parameters

    except Exception as err:
        raise ValueError(f"An error occurred at action executing - {err}") \
            from err

    return returnValue

def getActionLog(vcoUrl, bearerToken, executionId):
    """ Delivers the action log.

    @param {string} vcoUrl - URL of Aria orchestrator
    @param {string} bearerToken
    @param {string} executionId - ID of the execution, from executeAction
    @returns {dictionary}
    returnValue = {}


        returnValue = request(
            url = vcoUrl + "/api/actions/" + executionId + \
            bearerToken = bearerToken

    except Exception as err:
        raise ValueError(f"An error occurred at get action log - {err}") \
            from err

    return returnValue

def callAction(vcoUrl, bearerToken, actionModule, actionName, parameters):
    """ Calls an action

    @param {string} vcoUrl - URL of Aria orchestrator
    @param {string} bearerToken
    @param {string} actionModule - Module of the action
    @param {string} actionName - Name of the action
    @param {dictionary} parameters - Parameters of the action
    @returns {dictionary}

    returnValue = {}


        actionID = getActionId(

        _parameters = {
            "async-execution": False,
            "parameters": parameters

        executionResult = executeAction(

        returnValue["executionResult"] = executionResult

        executionId = executionResult["execution-id"]


        actionLog = getActionLog(vcoUrl, bearerToken, executionId)

        returnValue["actionLog"] = actionLog

    except Exception as err:
        raise ValueError(f"An error occurred at call action - {err}") \
            from err

    return returnValue

def handler(context, inputs):
    """ Aria Automation standard handler, the main function.

    vcoUrl = context["vcoUrl"]
    bearerToken = context["getToken"]()

    output = {}


        # Begin of action call -----------------------------------------

        # The setting of the parameters is described in the
        # REST API Calling Conventions.

        # @example
        # actionName = "getDefaultCompanyName"
        # actionModule = "com.vmware.constants"
        # parameters = []

        # @example
        actionName = "getFileName"
        actionModule = "com.vmware.basic"
        parameters = [
                "name": "fileName",
                "type": "Path",
                "value": {
                    "string": {
                        "value": "/stefan/test/bambi"

        output = callAction(
            vcoUrl, bearerToken, actionModule, actionName, parameters

        # print(output["executionResult"]["value"]["string"]["value"])
        # delivers VMware Inc. with the first example and
        # bambi with the second example

        # End of action call -------------------------------------------

        outputs = {
            "status": "done",
            "error": None,
            "result": output

    except Exception as err:

        outputs = {
            "status": "incomplete",
            "error": repr(err),
            "result": output

    return outputs

sequence diagram of an action call from python

More Examples

How to call an action with a more complex input interface:
@param {string} requestName
@param {string} postBody
@param {Array/string} requestProperties

actionName = "systemRequest"
actionModule = "de.stschnell"

requestName = "getId"

# Serialization of a dictionary as a JSON formatted string
postBody = json.dumps({
        {"name": "ipAddress", "value": ""}

requestProperties = []

parameters = [
        "name": "requestName",
        "type": "string",
        "value": {
            "string": {
                "value": requestName
        "name": "postBody",
        "type": "string",
        "value": {
            "string": {
                "value": postBody
        "name": "requestProperties",
        "type": "Array/string",
        "value": {
            "array": {
                "elements": requestProperties

output = callAction(
    vcoUrl, bearerToken, actionModule, actionName, parameters

example of an action with a more complex input interface which is called via python